The World’s Most Elegant Dressers

When meeting Kuwaitis in their natural setting, which of course is Kuwait, the most immediately remarkable thing about them is that the males of the species all seem to dress alike. Every Kuwaiti man, with very few exceptions, wears a long plain robe called a dishdasha, a head cloth called a ghutra, a headband called an ogal, and a pair of sandals or naal on his feet. So why do all Kuwaiti men seem to dress the same? The answer is simple. The dress of the Kuwaiti male is a fine example of personal adaptation to the rigours of the local climate. And, a most elegant one at that! …..

….. a pentrait by Omar the Outsider Continue reading “The World’s Most Elegant Dressers”

A Day in the Life of an Ordinary Kuwaiti

It is said, by those who do not really know much about the matter, that life for the Ordinary Kuwaiti is just one long idyllic existence. An Ordinary Kuwaiti enjoys his share of the oil dividend with a cradle to grave welfare system and an easy job in the civil service. Some say this makes for a life of indolence and self-indulgence. But a closer examination reveals that such an assertion is utterly preposterous and in fact the typical day experienced by the ordinary male citizen of Kuwait is little more than a series of onerous duties to be discharged without complaint …..

….. a pentrait by Omar the Outsider Continue reading “A Day in the Life of an Ordinary Kuwaiti”

The Ox and the Donkey

Once upon a time a farmer and his wife lived on a large farm. They were blessed with many fertile fields, herds of animals, faithful servants and sturdy farm workers. But in addition to his wealth, the farmer himself had a very strange gift — he could understand the language of the animals …..

….. a short-story by Paul D Kennedy.

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