The Big Change

A new society is emerging around the world, a new type of economy based on knowledge. This new society is well-nigh upon folks in the West. Hereabouts and elsewhere it is just around the corner. Perhaps a suitable topic for after-Iftar discussions in Kuwait would be the implications for social and economic planning and development …..

….. by Paul D Kennedy Continue reading “The Big Change”

Then, Now & Tonight

I left Kuwait for Baghdad by road on December 18th 1990. I returned in the summer of 1991 by air. The country was a veritable shambles when I left. Less than eight months later it was still wrecked. Though the roads had been cleared little had as yet been rebuilt. In the decade since then Kuwait has been restored, and is now reforming itself for globalization ….. 

….. by Paul D Kennedy

Continue reading “Then, Now & Tonight”

The Visitors

At the time of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait I was living in a multi-roomed apartment on the 9th floor of a residential complex in downtown Kuwait City. There I felt relatively safe from the confusion I could see down in the streets. My wife, who was Thai, was out of the country on vacation. Tuk, her best friend, was subletting our spare bedroom …..

….. a narration by Paul D Kennedy Continue reading “The Visitors”

Rodeo Donkey

We seldom went into the big field across the road from our house at the top of the hill until the donkey appeared. We never found out who owned the donkey or who had put it out to grass in the wide-open field that covered a whole side of the hill and we had been warned firmly to leave it alone …..

….. a vignette by Paul D Kennedy Continue reading “Rodeo Donkey”

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